Oct 22, 2008

COD: World at War Beta

If you liked Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, you’ll love World at War. It’s exactly like 4, except it takes place in 1942. Treyarch took the gameplay engine from COD 4 and thats about it...so far. I mean, hey, if it’s not broken why fix it, right? They did however rework the perks and kill streak perks, but I’ll get into that later.

Now keep in mind that this is only the Online Multiplayer Beta, and not the full game, so I have much higher hopes. They have raised the Prestige mode to level 65 from the previous level fifty five. I believe that this is partially due to the fact that so far it doesn’t appear to be all the difficult to level up in this game. It took me a little under two and a half hours to get to the original beta level cap of eleven. Now they raised it to twenty four. At the time I am writing this I am a level 21 with around four hours in, so providing the people you play against don’t cheat and glitch, it shouldn’t be all the difficult. Again you have your five custom class slots, but COD:WW added five additional custom class slots, one for each time you go into Prestige mode, making the grand total of ten Custom Class slots.

The perk system is back, and pretty much they are all the same only with different names: UAV Jammer=Camouflage, UAV=Radar Plane and so on. Some of the new perks they have added are like Revive and Throw Back. Revive is pretty self explanatory: your comrade is in last stand mode and about to die. You, with this perk in your arsenal, can run over and heal him. Throw Back, on the other hand, to me seems kind of stupid. In COD 4 everyone was able to throw back grenades, but not anymore. Apparently the developers think it is more “realistic” to only be able to throw back a grenade if you have this perk active!?!? Instead of calling in a Helicopter after you reach a seven kill streak like in COD 4, you now get to call in attack dogs. I like this mainly because they stay in the game running around killing enemies until the opposing team kills them. Plus when you kill an enemies dog you get extra points, and I can’t wait to here PETA bitch about virtual dogs. One new endeavor in COD multiplayer is getting to use vehicles on the boards, such as a regular cannon firing tank, flamethrower tank, etc. And, yes, with the vehicles come vehicle perks to make it turn quicker, go faster, reload quicker, etc.

Gameplay, like I said earlier, is just like COD 4, so it’s pretty solid. Also as previously stated, this is only a beta, so the few problem I have noticed with the game should be resolved by the time it ships to stores in November. So far there are really only two problems with the beta: 1) the aiming- when you unload a clip into a person they should die; it’s a blatant disregard of reality when someone gets directly shot sixty times and they keep running up towards you and stab you. I feel like I’m playing Halo when that happens, and thats not a good thing. 2) Now, this is going to take up a lot of space, so I’m just going to start a new sentence. GLITCH SPOTS. For those who don’t know what that is, it is an area or areas that allow a person or a team to have an unfair advantage over everyone else. In the beta I have only come across glitch spots on one board, although I have heard that there was another one on a different board. The glitch I have seen was on the multiplayer level Roundhouse. This glitch allows the player to go underneath the map and kill people without ever showing up on their screen or radar. The dogs you send out cannot kill them; they just keep head butting each other while attacking the ground. It’s blatant cheating.

There is nothing better than wanting to jump online and getting a little multiplayer action going (Yeah i said it) and the second the game starts the other team, or even some of your teammates, run for the glitch spots. Why cheat? It’s only a video game. It’s not real. It’s not life or death, so there is no reason for it. I love when you catch somebody cheating and ask them to stop politely, or at least my version of politeness, which involves a lot of cursing. Their responses are usually one of the following: “Fuck you, I didn’t cheat” - Um, if you didn’t cheat then why is everyone yelling and cursing at you fuckdick?; “Shut up NOOB” - Okay wow, now that word is just as old and just as gay as fo’shizzle my nizzle, so in essence you jut showed everybody how old, gay, and how much of a fucking dork you really are; “It’s only a game why are you getting so angry?” - This one really pissing me off. Video games were created for enjoyment and to have a good time. Now by you cheating, you’re stealing that away from the other players just so that you can prove how good you are, but... you’re cheating so how good can you possibly be?

In summation, we’ve seen this all done before. There is nothing really new story-line wise, except that the Japanese have been thrown in the mix. It’s not a bad game, and you get used to the controls pretty quick. Like I said, if you like COD 4, you will most likely enjoy this game. Don’t go trading in Modern Warfare just yet, though. If you ever get bored with the WW II era, you can always throw in COD 4 for something a little more Modern.

4 out of 5 because the glitches and the crappy guns, and because I’m pretty sure Kiefer Sutherland is doing the rally cries for the U.S. Marines.