Nov 9, 2009

Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond

Although a lot of people will disagree, Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard was a good game and is one of my favorite games for the 360. It was filled with comedy gold, thanks largely in part to the voice work of Neil Patrick Harris and Will Arnett.

They made this game even more hilarious when adding their twisted versions of iconic video games characters like Mario, Master Chief, and the Soldiers from Gears of War. Unfortunately it fail to reach the same success as those games, but that didn’t stop D3 Publishing and Vicious Cycle from continuing the compelling saga that is Matt Hazard. Soon XBL Arcade and the PS Network will be granted the privilege of having Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond added to their catalogs.

Blood Bath and Beyond is going to feel like Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Shadow Complex. The game does boast Co-Op where you get to fight alongside Matt Hazard as his longtime friend and partner Dexter Dare. The only problem with this though is the fact that the Co-Op is only player Local only.

The plot this time around is Mr. Hazard having defeated Wallace “Wally” Wellesley, he now turns his attention to Marathon MegaCorps the evil video game corporation that has now gone back in time to destroy Matt’s 8-bit version, now it’s up to Matt, Dexter and a catolog of old school gaming friends to stop them from succeeding.

Nov 3, 2009

WET review

I have to be fair, I did not get to spend as much time as I would have liked to with WET, a couple of day after WET arrived from Gamefly, Borderlands came out and I have been glued to that game ever since. I did however get to play a couple days worth of WET, at least until I became stuck on a skydiving/free falling level. So here are my thoughts on WET...up until that point.
WET isn’t a bad game it just falls into some bad game traps. Glitchy cameras angles, upsetting targeting controls and casting. First off, up until the wall I ran into in story mode the voice acting wasn’t that bad except for Eliza Dushku. Her delivery of almost everyone of her lines is just completely dry and without any emotional context what-so-ever, it’s like watching an episode of FOX’s Dollhouse (and that is not a good thing). Malcolm McDowell and Alan Cumming lend their voice and do a great job as expected. The cinematics are great, the in game graphics are pretty good, the little “Grindhouse” cutscenes were cool the first I don’t know two times they did it after that it just becomes annoying. What makes it even worse is the fact that you cant even skip over it because I am fairly certain that the “Grindhouse” scenes have replaced the traditional load screen. Yes, it is better than just staring at a blank load screen but come on at least give up the option.
From a story-line stand point, it’s a pretty solid revenge story. Girls helps Son save his Father, then Father has Girl track down now troubled Son, Girls finds and rescues troubled Son, Father kills Son then tries to kill Girl for her troubles, but doesn’t succeed and now Girl wants revenge, and that is where I am in the story. So far I’m very enthralled in the story I just wish I could get past this free falling level it really is beginning to piss me off but I’ll give it another shot. I know the rest of the story and all the plot twists but I won’t ruin it for the people that still want to play it even after reading this review.
Earning the points for upgrading skills and weapons is done through linking attacks and acrobatic moves, it’s pretty cool for awhile then when you start messing up you start to hate it a lot because your raking up almost no points. The guns so far are guns I guess it’s pretty much generic, the sword is pretty cool but, it’s all the same to me (although sliding across the ground and taking out your blade and slicing it through an enemy like butter). The training sessions in Ruby’s Boneyard were kind of helpful for people like me who don’t really play games like Prince of Persia and Max Payne not a big fan of Slow-mo. Up until the free falling level, I don’t really dislike the game. Now for the remainder of this review.
wet screen 2
I have yet to be able to beat the free falling level. I tried yet again to best the level in between gaming sessions of Borderlands (which I recommend you go out and get) and Game 2 of the 2009 World Series, and the game just is not going to have it. The level seems easy enough; as your free falling in the sky you look form left to right, up and down and kill enemies as they pass you, sounds easy doesn’t’s not. You are pretty much stationary and your enemies can pass from left to right fall downward and float back up above you, it’s ridiculous. You shoot someone in the head and they should die it’s called a headshot but know you have to unload two and a half clips into the guy to have them die, whereas acouple of shots from them and you have next to no health. This wouldn’t be so frustrating if at some point during the level there was some sort of checkpoint so you didn’t have to keep restarting the board from the beginning of the level. I have played that one level so many times that I almost broke yet another controller from anger while playing a video game. Since I started playing video games I have broken 1 Playstation, 2 Playstations, 4 PS2 controllers, 1 Sega Genesis, 2 Gameboy Colors, 1 Gameboy DS, and 2 Xbox controllers due to what I like to call Acute Level Frustration or ALF. So in order to prevent destruction of property (especially my own) Wet has been resealed and sent back to Gamefly and am now awaiting the arrival of Beatles Rockband, at least until November 10th and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is upon us.
In closing don’t even bother renting this game it’s not worth the gamerscore points and/or trophies, if you really want a Grindhouse experience just go watch Planet Terror or Death Proof.

P.S. Happy Belated Birthday to Me.

Oct 26, 2009

Borderlands: My Brother is an Italian Plumber Achievement

I'm putting it out there Borderlands is a contender for Game of the Year.

Oct 12, 2009

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe


This will probably be one of the easiest reviews I will ever write. Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe is probably one of the worst games I have ever played and I had high hopes for this game. I wanted to add this game to my collection so badly, I mean come on it’s Motal Kombat and the DC Universe combined... now I glad I signed up for Gamefly and got it that way. Story mode is just horrendous, the controls leave something to be desired, the voice acting is a joke, and the cut scenes are even worse. I honestly didn’t think anything could be worse than Call of Juareze, but I was wrong. Just from playing a couple of hours of this game I wanted out of my house. It is completely understandable how Midway went bankrupt, when they pump out toilet trees like this.

I was actually so mad playing story mode that I had to turn it off and step outside for a minute or I was likely to break something. After my little cool down period I came back in and tried the other game modes. Arcade mode was a joke everything is the same and its boring. Kombo Challenges were nonsensical and unexplained, after about 10 minutes of trying to figure out exactly what they wanted me to do I gave up. Took the game out of the system back into it’s packaging and sent it back to Gamefly. I haven’t had that bad of experience gaming since Call of Duty: World at War.


In closing don’t buy this game, don’t rent this game, don’t waste you precious gaming minutes playing such a crap-tastic game. Go play The Maw instead or the new arcade title Zombie Apocalypse.


Oct 11, 2009

Welcome to Pandora

Check the Trailer:

There have only been a few games this year that I have been really excited about. Batman: Arkham Asylum of course Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but the game that really has me excited is Boarderlands. Think Mad Max meets Fallout 3. I only recently became interested in RPG's upon begin exposed to Fallout 3 and Fable. I could never really get into World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, really anything turn-based, I hate having to wait I'm not very good with the whole patience thing. But Boarderlands will be far different. The main difference will be the fact that instead of being an RPG with FPS elements Boarderlands is a FPS with RPG elements meaning that when you aim at an enemy and pull the trigger you actually hit the target (providing the reticle is actually on your target) no more do you have to worry if the invisible die roll will be in you favor.

The story of Boarderlands simply put is; Seven colonization ships traveled to the edge of the galaxy to a planet called Pandora in the distant future, in search of riches and a better life. Upon arriving on the planet they discover that all that remains are delapedated alien ruins. Those that were wealthy enough to leave did so, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. Chaos and disorder follow as does the emergence of alien creatures that up until now were in hibernation, but there is hope. Across the planet are scattered radio transmissions speaking of a vault in the side of a mountain that is supposed too hold amazing alien technology.

There are 160 quests, 30 main quests and 130 side quests, 4 player drop in and out gameplay. Boarderlands features a Random Content Generator. This will affect the whole in game experience from the weapons you'll be using to the enemies you fight and the landscape and outer-rim towns you come across on this desolate planet.

There will be four playable characters Brick, Lilith, Roland, and Mordecai and they all have their own backstories that will be discovered during gameplay. Gearbox is also claiming that once the game is booted up there will be no load screens.

In closing, go get this game I have a strong feeling that Boarderlands will be a strong contender for Game of the Year.